Movies web application implementation using laravel framework

  • Zoltan Kapus Máv Szolgáltató Központ Zrt.
Keywords: programming; Laravel; REST API


This article presents a web application that allows users to rate and like their favorite movies on a dedicated page. They also have the opportunity to share their thoughts about the movies in a comment section where they can interact with other users. The application is based on the excellent Laravel PHP framework, while the Bootstrap CSS framework was used to create the user interface. Thanks to this, the website works perfectly and displays well on various screen sizes and devices. Movie details are displayed on the site using a REST API-based system. In the first section of the article, the implementation of the application is presented in detail, highlighting the essential aspects of using the Laravel framework and the Bootstrap CSS framework. The evaluation and liking functions of the users' favorite movies, as well as the possibility of comments, are addressed. In the next section, the phases of testing are presented, highlighting the verification and validation of different aspects of the application. The study also covers the importance of tests and ensuring the stability of the application. In the last section of the article, further development opportunities are discussed. Areas where the application can be further refined or expanded are highlighted. These can be, for example, introducing new functions, improving the user experience or optimizing system performance. Overall, the article presents an exciting web application that provides movie fans with the ability to rate, like, and interact with movies. In addition to the detailed presentation of the technological background and the emphasis on the importance of testing, thoughts on further development directions also contribute to a deeper understanding of the readers.

How to Cite
Kapus, Z. (2023). Movies web application implementation using laravel framework. TRANSACTIONS ON IT AND ENGINEERING EDUCATION, 5(1), ArtNo: 60. Retrieved from